Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adoption, Not "Funny"

I have to say I'm a little angry right now. My husband and I are watching Chelsea Lately (it's the first time I've watched it), and the first segment was all about Angelina Jolie. The usual; slamming her, her kids, and of course all the adoption jokes. I have a great sense of humor, but I just can't get into the ridiculous frame of mind that most others seem to be when talking about Hollywood moms. Namely the ones who have adopted. They say that Angelina bought her children, and that it's the "in" thing in Hollywood. I know actors have been known to be shallow, but to say that someone is choosing to adopt a child just because everyone else is, is just plain stupid. Yes, I am a fan of Angelina Jolie, and of some other actors who have adopted, but that's not why I defend them. I defend them because of the message the media is sending to our adopted children.

You would think, in a world where gay marriage is now legal in five states, in a time when the first bi-racial President is in office, and the country is more accepting of differences than ever before, that adoptive parents and children would not have to face negative responses, or ignorance regarding the subject.

I shouldn't have to worry about what to tell my son, if he sees something in the media about how Angelina Jolie, Madonna, or Nicole Kidman, among others like to "buy" their kids from Africa or elsewhere, because it's the popular thing to do. It not only calls the sincerity of the adoption into question, but turns a life changing event into nothing more than a trip to the pound.

Children who have been adopted have it rough enough, growing up, without the media adding to their identity, security, or self esteem issues. What's worse, is when these actors' children are attacked themselves. That sinks to an all-time low. In the segment I watched, they put up a picture of one of Angelina's kids threatening Brad Pitt not to leave. They used an obviously over dramatized Chinese accent (which was not even the child's correct country of origin).

I just don't get it. I don't. As an adoptive mother, I find it very hard to stomach ignorance on a topic that, in my eyes, should be very easy to understand. Especially to other mothers. There are children in this world who need love, guidance, a home. And there are adults in this world who want to give it. Whatever their reason is, it's their own. If they have the money to support TWENTY children, so be it. It's no one's business. There are far less famous people who have done just that. Anyone ever listen to the radio at night and hear Delilah, a night-time radio show that plays love songs by request? It's a syndicated show. Anyway, she has adopted somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 children. Yet you never see bad press about her. Because there SHOULDN'T be. The same is true for the others.

My suggestion is, rather than take a beautiful thing and taint it, turning it into something a child would be ashamed of, the media ought to focus their efforts on HELPING children. Find the ones who are lost, or missing, and help the ones who have been abused or murdered by bringing their abusers and murderers to justice. Make the world a better place for them, not a harder one.